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Buckhead Baseball

Competition. Character. Community.

1.  Where do I register?  
Go to our website, Under REGISTRATION tab, click REGISTER A PLAYER.

2.  When does registration OPEN and CLOSE ?
Registration OPENS via our online system on November 13, 2024 at 12am.  Registration CLOSES on November 26, 2024 at 11:59pm.  

3.  Is there priority registration for returning players?
We no longer have separate registration periods for new and returning players.  All players should register during the registration window.  All players will be assigned to the waitlist.   Returning players and players of siblings will clear the waitlist on December 6, 2024. 

4.  My child has played at Buckhead Baseball in the past, why is he/she on a waitlist?
All players, whether new or returning, will be put on our waitlist.   All returning Buckhead Baseball players will be cleared on December 6, 2024 from our waitlist.

5.  Who qualifies as a RETURNING player? 
Any current player who played at Buckhead Baseball during the Spring 2024 season.  Also, any player who has a sibling who is currently playing in the league.  

6.   When will my child move off of the waitlist?  

ALL families (returning & new) will be put on a waitlist when you first register.

Returning Players 
- Returning players from the  Spring 2024 season are guaranteed a spot and will be accepted off the waitlist first.   
- Returning players will receive an email by December 6 letting them know they have been cleared off of the waitlist

New Players: 
- New players could remain on the waitlist until tryouts.  We will start accepting new players off the waitlist as early as December 7th but that process will be ongoing as drops could occur up until tryouts are held. 

7.  How will I know if my player has been cleared from the waitlist?

You will be notified via e-mail to the e-mail address on your account.   

8.  What are the registration fees for Spring 2025?
$550 per player for Single A through Majors
$500 per player for TB5 through Rookie
$350 per player for TB4

9.  What are the Payment Plan options?

  • PAY ONLINE IN FULL:  Submit total fees online upon acceptance into the league.  When you clear the waitlist, you will receive an email telling you to pay your fee.  This can be paid via American Express Visa, MasterCard,  Discover, or checking account.


  • PAYMENT PLAN:  Fees are divided into 2 installments with the first installment (50% of fees) to be collected online upon acceptance off the waitlist  via American Express, Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or checking account. The remaining balance (50% of fees) will be automatically debited from the SAME ACCOUNT on January 31, 2025.
  • If you wish to use a different account to pay the balance, please log in to your BlueSombrero account BEFORE the second installment payment to update your account information.

10.  What form of payment does Buckhead Baseball accept?

Buckhead Baseball will no longer accept checks.  However, when paying for your registration, you can pay through our personal bank account, debit card or credit card (American Express, Visa, Master Card, Discover). 

11.  Do I have to provide a birth certificate?
All players must upload a copy of their child's birth certificate onto their player profile page within BlueSombrero.  This will be a requirmeent when creating a Buckhead Baseball profile for your child.  Once you have uploaded the Birth Certificate, you will not need to do it again in the furture. 

12.  Can I request to be on a specific coach or player’s team?

For TB4, TB5 and Young Bucks: During the registration process there is a field for a request for a coach and for 1 teammate.  Parents are encouraged to make their requests known, but with the understanding that not all requests will be able to be honored due to the overwhelming number of requests that are received.  If your child will be playing in the Rookie through Majors leagues, please know that these teams are determined by a “draft” and therefore coach and teammate requests are not available.

13.  What are tryouts?

Tryouts are player evaluations that are held prior to the player draft. Every player in the Rookie, A, AA, AAA & Major Leagues are required to attend the evaluation.  Players will be evaluated on general baseball skills: Hitting, Base Running, Infield and Outfield. Additional Pitcher and Catcher evaluations will be held for the AA and above leagues. Every player will be assigned to a team via a draft process in the weeks after the tryouts.  

14.  For the leagues with tryouts, is my child guaranteed to make a team?
For Rookie - AAA Leagues, the tryouts are strictly player evaluations so that the coaches can draft teams accordingly.    All players who  attend try-outs for these leagues will make a team.

For Majors, players are evaluated during tryouts by the coaches.  Our majors league has limited spots so not everyone who trys out for Majors is drafted to a Majors team.  All possible Majors players not drafted to a Majors team have the option to be drafted to a AAA team for the spring season. 

15.  When are tryouts for Spring 2025?

Majors Tryouts:  Thursday, January 9 and Friday, January 10
AA Tryouts:  Saturday, January 11
AAA and Single A Tryouts:  Saturday, January 25
Rookie Tryouts - Saturday, February 1
*Dates are subject to change due to weather

16.  What are tryout numbers?
Tryout numbers are assigned to players based on their age group and date of birth. The tryouts will be held starting with the oldest players in each age group and continuing in birth date order through the youngest players in each league.

17.  What if I cannot come during my assigned time slot?
Please try to come as close as possible to your assigned time, but we understand that basketball and other winter sport conflicts may occur. 11/12 year old players, who are trying out for a Majors team, must attend tryouts in order to be eligible for the Majors Draft. 11/12 yr. old players missing tryouts will be assigned to the AAA League for draft. For AAA through Rookie, a player missing tryouts will be placed in the draft and their previous season information will be used to evaluate the player.

18.  How are players assigned to a team?
Player drafts are held after tryouts for all leagues from Rookie thru Majors. Teams in the younger age groups (TB4 / TB5 / 6YB) are assigned to teams with an effort made to take into account special requests from parents, even though due to sheer volume all requests cannot be met.

19.  What league will my child be in for the 2025 Spring Baseball season?
Please refer to the "League Age Chart' page under the Registration tab.

20.  Can my child play in a different league than they qualify for?  
Buckhead Baseball strongly discourages children from playing either up or down into a different league.   

Playing up: The only exception that we will consider is in the case of a request to allow a child to play up one age level in order to play with other kids in his or her own school grade. However,
before any such request will be granted, the parents must understand and agree that their child will continue to play-up with his grade level for the remainder of his career at BB.  In other words, that child will not thereafter be allowed to play back down to his actual age level, but instead must go all the way through BB from that point forward playing in that higher age level (including for summer all-star purposes).  The League President will have the ultimate authority, in his sole and absolute discretion, to approve or deny such a request, or to make any subsequent modification thereof if deemed to be in the best interests of both the League and the the player, and all decisions are final and cannot be appealed.

Playing down:  Buckhead Baseball will consider allowing a player to play down one age group if there are extraordinary conditions that warrant such consideration.  However, if a child plays DOWN in a season - he/she will not be eligible to play on a summer All-Star team.

21.  Does my 11 or 12 year-old have to play in Majors?

All 11 & 12 year old players are eligible to tryout for Majors, but they do not have to tryout. Parents may request for the player to be assigned to the AAA League rather than Majors by using the special request field on the registration site or by contacting the Registrar @ [email protected]

22.  Do all 11 & 12 year-olds that desire to play Majors get assigned to Majors teams?

No. All 11 & 12 year old players are eligible to tryout for Majors, but not all are drafted to a Majors team. All possible Majors players not drafted to a Majors team will be drafted to a AAA team for the Spring season.

23.  How many days a week will my child be playing at Buckhead Baseball?

TB4:  Saturday and Sunday Only - 1 event per week

TB5:  Monday thru Sunday - 2 events per week

6YB:  Monday thru Sunday - 3 events per week

Rookie:  Monday thru Sunday - 3 events per week

A:  Monday thru Sunday - 3 events per week

AA:  Monday thru Sunday - 3 events per week

AAA:  Monday thru Sunday - 3 events per week

Majors:  Monday thru Sunday - 5 events per week before the 1st game / 4 events per week after the 1st game

Contact Us

Buckhead Baseball

1266 West Paces Ferry Rd, PO Box 273
Atlanta, Georgia 30327

Email: [email protected]

Buckhead Baseball

1266 West Paces Ferry Rd, PO Box 273
Atlanta, Georgia 30327

Email: [email protected]
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