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Buckhead Baseball

Competition. Character. Community.


Tee Ball 4
The Tee Ball 4 league is designed to introduce the basic fundamental concepts of youth baseball in a friendly, non competitive environment. Typically, each team has 10-13 players. All team members will play the field and hit. Each team will play 1 day per week (Saturday or Sunday) in the Spring for 1 hour. In the Fall, games will be played on Sunday. Game days will consist of 20 minutes of practice and a 40 minute game.

Players are assigned to teams by the league, taking into account special parental requests made through registration, and, if possible, geography. Although the league does its best to accommodate the special requests of parents and coaches, such requests cannot always be honored due to the large number of participants in the program.

Basic League Rules:
- All players hit and play the field each inning.
- All players are required to hit off of a batting tee.
- Games typically last 1 hour.


Refer to the league PLAYER AGE CHART for the Tee Ball 4 birthdate range.

Tee Ball 5
The Tee Ball 5 league is designed to reinforce and/or introduce the basic fundamental concepts of youth baseball in a friendly environment. Typically, each team has 11-13.  All team members will play the field and hit. An average of 2 events (games, practices) per week can be expected. Games are played on weekdays and weekends during the Spring season and weekends during the Fall Season.

Players are assigned to teams by the league, taking into account special parental requests made through registration, and, if possible, geography. Special requests are strongly encouraged to align friends from school, neighborhood or the preference of a specific coach. Although the league does its best to accommodate the special requests of parents and coaches, such requests cannot always be honored due to the large number of participants in the program.

Refer to the league PLAYER AGE CHART for the Tee Ball 5 birthdate range.

Young Bucks – 6 year olds
The Young Bucks league is designed to reinforce and/or introduce the basic fundamental concepts of youth baseball in a friendly environment while beginning to introduce the concept of competition. Typically, each team has 11-12 players while 13 players on a team can occur. All team members will hit and a maximum of 11 players will be in the field. An average of 2-3 events (games, practices) per week can be expected (typically, fewer events during fall seasons). Games are played on weekdays and weekends during the Spring season and weekends during the Fall Season.

Players are assigned to teams by the league, taking into account special parental requests made through registration, and, if possible, geography. Special requests are strongly encouraged to align friends from school, neighborhood or the preference of a specific coach. Although the league does its best to accommodate the special requests of parents and coaches, such requests cannot always be honored due to the large number of participants in the program.

Basic League Rules:
- A maximum of 11 players are on the field during an inning.
- If 12+ players, then only 10 players in the field and 2 in dugout.
 (Ensures a minimum of  2 players in dugout when team is in field)
- All players must play the infield at least 1 inning per game.
- An inning is completed after 3 outs or when a team scores 5 runs.
- Games typically last 1 hour, 10 minutes.

This is a transitional and educational league from T-ball to coach pitch. In the fall, after a brief period (2-3 weeks) of hitting off the tee only, the league will transition to coach pitch. In the spring, we will offer coach pitch starting with the first game. If players are unable or don’t want to hit a coach pitched ball, hitting off the tee is perfectly acceptable and encouraged.

Refer to the league PLAYER AGE CHART for the Young Bucks birthdate range.

Rookie League – 7 year olds
The Rookie league is designed to reinforce and introduce the basic fundamental concepts of youth baseball in a friendly environment while beginning to introduce the concept of competition. Even though winning is secondary to skill development and fun at this level, score will be kept for each game. Team records and standings will not be kept or published but there will be a post season tournament.

The Rookie League will utilize a modified draft designed to make sure that the teams are equal in ability.  There will be tryouts. The league does its best to accommodate parental requests but such requests cannot always be honored in a draft system. Dads typically coach at this level and we encourage any interested parent to participate and get involved.

Each team has 11-12 players. Games typically last 1:15. An average of 2-3 events (games, practices) per week can be expected (typically, fewer events during fall seasons). Games are played on weekdays and weekends during the Spring season and weekends during the Fall season.

Basic League Rules:
- The league will be primarily coach pitch with a tee being used after 6 pitches have been thrown. There are no strikeouts in Rookie League.
- There will be ten (10) players in the field consisting of the regular infield positions and 4 outfielders.
- The batting order will consist of all players present.
- There will be a maximum of six (6) runs per inning or three (3) outs, whichever comes first.
- Each game will have a maximum of six (6) innings or a one (1) hour and ten (10) minutes time limit – a new inning is not to start after 1 hour and 10 minutes has expired.

Refer to the league PLAYER AGE CHART for the Rookie League birthdate range.

A League – 8 year olds
The A league is designed to reinforce both fundamental and advanced concepts of youth baseball in a friendly environment while also encouraging both good sportsmanship and competition. Typically, each team has 11-12 players while 13 players on a team can occur. All team members will hit and a maximum of 11 players will be in the field. An average of 2-3 events (games, practices) per week can be expected (typically, fewer events during fall seasons).

Players are assigned to teams by the league through a process including tryouts, and a draft by the coaches for each team. Typically, each team has 11-12 players while 13 players on a team can occur. All team members will hit.

Basic League Rules:
- Last Season of Coach Pitch.
- A minimum of 9 players must be available for each game.
- All players will hit, even when not playing the field.
- All players will play the infield at least 1 inning within first 4 innings of game.
- All players must play the field for 3 innings during a game.
- Games typically last 1 hour, 40 minutes.

Refer to the league PLAYER AGE CHART for the A League birthdate range.

9AA League
The AA league is designed to reinforce fundamental concepts of youth baseball in a friendly yet competitive environment with a strong emphasis on instruction and skill development. Coaches are required to rotate players between the infield and outfield at various points throughout the game and/or season. A winner / loser is determined during each game, standings are posted throughout the season, and the post season includes a playoff concluding with a league champion.

Players are assigned to teams by the league through a process including tryouts and a draft by the coaches for each team. Typically, each team has 11-12 players while 13 players on a team can occur. A minimum of 9 players must be present to play a game; all team members will hit. An average of 3 events (games, practices) per week can be expected (typically, fewer events during fall seasons).

Basic League Rules:
- First Season of Player Pitch.
- A minimum of 9 players must be available for each game.
- All players will hit, even when not playing the field.
- All players will play the infield at least 1 inning within first 4 innings of game.
- No player will sit on the bench for 2 innings until every player has sat at least one inning.
- Games typically last 1 hour, 40 minutes.

Basic Pitching Rules:
- Pitchers are limited to 2 innings / game (40 pitch max) during 1st half of season (public school spring break is half way point).
- Pitchers are limited to 3 innings / game (60 pitch max) during the 2nd half of season.

Rest requirement for all pitchers:
No Rest:                  1-20 pitches
1 Calendar Day:    21-40 pitches
2 Calendar Days:   41-60 pitches

Refer to the league PLAYER AGE CHART for the AA League birthdate range.

10AAA  League
The AAA league is designed to reinforce fundamental and advanced concepts of youth baseball in a friendly yet competitive environment with a strong emphasis on instruction and skill development. A winner / loser is determined during each game, standings are posted throughout the season, and the post season includes a playoff tournament concluding with a league champion.

Players are assigned to teams by the league through a process including tryouts, and a draft by the coaches for each team. Any player not selected for Majors will automatically be placed into the AAA league. If an 11-12 yr old does NOT want to be considered for Majors, he/she must contact the Player Agent when the tryout letter arrives.

Typically, each team has 11-12 players and a minimum of 9 players must be present to play a game; An average of 3-4 events (games, practices) per week can be expected (typically, fewer events during fall seasons).

Basic League Rules:
- A minimum of 8 players must be available for each game.
- AA players can be called up.
- Managers are strongly encouraged to play all kids in infield over the course of the season.
- No player may sit out consecutive innings unless being disciplined by the manager.
- Games typically last about 1 hour, 45 minutes.

Basic Pitching Rules:
- Pitchers are limited to 75 pitches per game.
- No breaking balls, knuckle balls or side arm deliveries are allowed.
- Cut fastballs WILL be allowed.

Rest requirement for all pitchers:
No Rest:                  1-25 pitches
1 Calendar Day:    26-40 pitches
2 Calendar Days:  41-60 pitches
3 Calendar Days:  61-75 pitches

Refer to the league PLAYER AGE CHART for the AAA League birthdate range.

Majors – 11, 12 year olds
The Majors league is played on a 70’ diamond with the mound 50’ from home plate. Players are allowed to lead-off and steal bases. The league is designed to reinforce fundamental and advanced concepts of youth baseball in a competitive environment with a strong emphasis on instruction and skill development.

A winner / loser is determined during each game, standings are posted throughout the season, and the post season includes a double elimination playoff tournament concluding with a regular season and tournament league champion crowned.

Players are assigned to teams by the league through a process including tryouts, and a draft by the coaches for each team. To qualify for the Majors Draft, a player MUST attend player tryouts or get prior approval from the commissioner. Any 11 or 12 yr old player not selected for Majors will be included on a AAA team. If an 11-12 yr old does NOT want to be considered for Majors, he/she must contact the Majors or AAA Commissioner when the tryout letter arrives.

Each team has 11 players per team and is required to have at least (4) 12 year olds. A minimum of 8 players must be present to play a game (teams playing with 8 players will take an automatic out when the 9th slot in the batting order comes up during a game); 9 players bat in the batting order. There are free substitutions during the Game. Games typically last about 1 hour, 45 minutes. An average of 4-5 events (games, practices) per week can be expected (typically, fewer events during fall seasons).

Basic League Rules:
- Player Pitch.
- A minimum of 8 players must be available for each game.
- 9 players bat in order with free substitution during a game.

Basic Pitching Rules:
- Pitchers are limited to 85 pitches per game.

Rest requirement for all pitchers:
No Rest                   1-20 pitches
1 Calendar Day:    21-40 pitches
2Calendar Days:   41-60 pitches
3 Calendar Days:  61-85 pitches

Refer to the league PLAYER AGE CHART for the Majors birthdate range.

Buddy Baseball League
Buddy Baseball is a program that enables children with special needs to play the wonderful game of baseball. Founded in 1992, the Buddy Program at Buckhead Baseball is now directed by Manager Walt Deriso. 

The program serves children of all abilities with a diverse range of special needs, including cerebral palsy, autism spectrum disorders and Down syndrome as well as children who are verbal and non-verbal just to name a few.  Buddy League players are assisted by selected 12 year olds from the Buckhead Baseball Program.  Players are children ages 5-18 who, while learning to enjoy America’s favorite pastime, develop their athletic skills, hitting, catching and running (or driving their wheelchair).

Our Buddy Baseball program is so important, which rewards the entire Buckhead Baseball community.

If you are interested in having your child play in our Buddy Baseball league, please contact [email protected]

Contact Us

Buckhead Baseball

1266 West Paces Ferry Rd, PO Box 273
Atlanta, Georgia 30327

Email: [email protected]

Buckhead Baseball

1266 West Paces Ferry Rd, PO Box 273
Atlanta, Georgia 30327

Email: [email protected]
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